Autism Social Stories: Preparing for a Grocery Shopping Trip

A mother of a child with autism wanted help preparing her child for a grocery shopping trip. The sensory stimuli from the bright lights, loud sounds, visually distracting shelves and / or crowded aisles have triggered autism related behavioral issues in the past. Like all moms with children on the autism spectrum, there are times when she does not have a choice and must bring her child to the store with her. She also does not want to isolate her child and recognizes that grocery shopping is an essential life skill. We applaud her efforts to prepare her child for the world. [...]

By |2018-12-23T10:53:40-05:00 |Blog|15 Comments

Can Robots Teach Emotions to Autistic Children?

Did you know that there are seven universal human emotions? Apparently there are six robot emotions. Who knew? The seven universal human emotions are anger, contempt, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and surprise. These emotions are communicated through spoken language, but they are also communicated through body language, facial expressions and gestures. And these non-verbal cues are recognizable to all people around the world regardless of age, gender, language or culture. Well, that is not 100% tue. Many people living with autism find it difficult to read the emotional cues that people send. This can result in a diminished capacity for children with [...]

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