Term | Definition |
Tachylalia | Speaking at an excessive rate.
Link 1: Wikipedia – Tachylalia |
Tachyphemia | Rapid speech often with erratic rhythm and grammar mixed with some irrelevant words. See Cluttering
Link 1: The Suttering (and cluttering) Foundation
Telegraphic Speech | Also called agrammatism. When a speaker omits grammatical structures with function words, such as articles, auxiliary verbs, and prepositions. As a result, utterances are incomplete and resemble the short messages sent in telegrams in which only main content words are used to share the gist of the message to reduce telegram costs. Example Mommy here, mommy here for a child who is excited that his Mommy is here. This is a symptom of expressive aphasia (or Broca’s aphasia).
See also Expressive Aphasia, Broca’s Aphasia, Agrammatism. |
Telephone Amplifier | An amplification device that amplifies the telephone signal, particularly for use by people with hearing loss who do not use hearing aids.
See also Amplification Devices, Hearing Loss. |
Tense | Tenses in grammar simply show the time of the action or state of being.
Link 1: English Grammar 4U online – Table of English Tenses
Tetism | A condition in articulation in which consonants are replaced with a /t/ sound especially the /f/. |
Tone Deafness | See Deafness |
Total Communication | Abbreviated TC, this communication method is a philosophy about the way people with hearing loss communicate with others. In this view, from a young age, children with hearing loss are taught to communicate using all means available to them, including formal sign language (like American Sign Language, or ASL), gestures, body language, lip reading, listening and spoken language (like Auditory-Verbal Therapy). In comparison to a single method, like ASL, TC focuses on auditory, verbal, tactile, and visual modalities of communication.
See also Deafness, Hearing Loss, American Sign Language, Auditory-Verbal Therapy. |
Toxic Deafness | See Deafness |
Trachea | Also call windpipe is the tubular passageway that connects the pharynx and larynx to the lungs to facilitate air from breathing to enter the lungs. The trachea branches into two primary bronchi, one for each lung.
Link 1: Wikipedia – Trachea |
Transcortical Aphasia | A group of three types of aphasia in which repetition skills remain intact, despite impairment in other language areas. For example, a patient may have significant difficulty speaking, but he or she is able to repeat words and phrases with ease.
See also Aphasia, specific types of aphasia. |
Transcortical Motor Aphasia | See Transcortical Aphasia. |
Trigeminal Nerve | See Cranial Nerves |
Trochlear Nerve | See Cranial Nerves |
Speech Pathology Dictionary – T TermsPam Drennen MS CCC-SLP2019-01-20T16:56:14-05:00
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